Not All “Superfoods” Are Super For Your Thyroid
I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “it’s a superfood, it’s good for you!” But when it comes to optimal thyroid health, not ALL superfoods are necessarily good for you. One food in specific are Sea Vegetables also known as Seaweed and Kelp. Yes, they are a type of algae that are loaded with nutrients but they are also the single food category with the highest amount of iodine, which can be harmful if eaten in excessive amounts.

3 Surprising Things You Use Every Day That are Hurting Your Thyroid
Your thyroid is one of the most important endocrine glands in your body; regulating mood, metabolism, energy levels, your immune system etc. So naturally, when you expose yourself to “endocrine disrupting chemicals” also known as EDCs, it throws your thyroid completely off balance, leading to your unpleasant symptoms and imbalances in the whole body.